Did You Know? -- What an Apple Maggot Quarantine Means
Orchardists of the Methow Valley have a brand new pest to combat -- as if the age-old struggle to protect fruit from the pervasive codling moth wasn't enough!
Orchardists of the Methow Valley have a brand new pest to combat -- as if the age-old struggle to protect fruit from the pervasive codling moth wasn't enough!
Methow Conservancy staff members Sarah Brooks and Johnnie Duguay joined the back to school movement in September as they returned to Mr. Haley’s and Mrs. Surface’s 4th grade classrooms for another year of School Yard Science.
It’s that time of the year when we ask for your financial support. If it has been about a year since your last donation, then you will soon receive our annual appeal mailing. We sure hope you’ll renew your support this year (or support us for the first time!), since gifts from people like you make up more than 70% of our Annual Operating Fund.
Our email inboxes here at the Methow Conservancy are often full of articles we share with each other to help inform our work or inspire discussion. We thought you might be interested in seeing what we’ve been reading. Editor’s note: These articles do not represent the beliefs or opinions of the Methow Conservancy or its staff. We offer them purely as a means of sparking discussion.
A few quick shoutouts to awesome people helping our valley in many ways.
You won’t want to miss this extra-special presentation by Stan Senner, the Vice President of Bird Conservation for the National Audubon Society.