Holiday Social & December "Conservation Canines First Tuesday" Program
Tuesday, December 4th at the Winthrop Barn, 6pm
Tuesday, December 4th at the Winthrop Barn, 6pm
Where Do Snakes Go In Winter?
Our email inboxes here at the Methow
Conservancy are often full of articles we share with each other to help
inform our work or inspire discussion. We thought you might be
interested in seeing what we’ve been reading.
Editor’s note: These articles do not represent the beliefs
or opinions of the Methow Conservancy or its staff. We offer them
purely as a means of sparking discussion.
See what's happening with other groups in our Valley.
In the last few weeks, volunteers have picked hundreds of apples, stuffed more than 1000 envelopes, gathered many meters of barbed wire, and restored miles of trail. Before the weather turns cold and wet, we hope to offer a few more volunteer opportunities! You can always check out all of our offerings at Volunteer Methow
– we’ll keep it updated throughout the month.
We’re squeezing in a few more field-based educational opportunities before fall turns to winter! Come learn with us!