The Methow Conservancy Board of Directors
The Methow Conservancy Board
The Methow Conservancy anticipates needing to add members to its Board of Directors annually. We seek board members who are passionate about our conservation work in the Methow Valley and who have interest, time, energy, and expertise to support our mission of inspiring people to care for the land of the Methow Valley.
Who We Are
The Methow Conservancy is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that works to deliver our mission. Selected by a committee, Board members help us serve the needs of the organization and the community.
The Board of Directors advises, governs, oversees policy and direction, and assists with the leadership and general promotion of the Methow Conservancy, in order to support the organization’s mission and needs. In addition to being responsible for the financial health of the organization and providing oversight and fundraising support, the board provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by the Methow Conservancy’s Executive Director, the Board-ED relationship is a partnership and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected.
Each Director may serve up to two consecutive three-year terms. Meetings are held from 6-8pm on the second Thursday of each month at the Methow Conservancy office in Winthrop. Directors generally serve on two ongoing committees, as well as short-term committees and/or disappearing task forces. Directors are also, with few exceptions, expected to attend an annual day-long retreat, usually held in November. Periodic participation remotely, as needed, is possible.
For more information about Board of Directors responsibilities and time commitments, please review our Board Member Job Description.
Express Interest
We will be accepting letters of interest on a rolling basis and will review them twice annually. Our next review period will begin in March 2024. We are currently seeking specific experience/expertise in agriculture (farmers, ranchers, orchardists, etc); finance; human resources; and large-scale strategic thinking, although we welcome interest from anyone who has a passion for the Methow Conservancy’s mission and work, even without those particular skill sets.
Send a letter of interest to info@methowconservancy.org (or drop it off at our office or mail to Methow Conservancy Board, PO Box 71, Winthrop WA 98862) by March 1, 2024 for the first review period, or any time thereafter for future review periods.
In addition to your full name and email address, please share with us:
Your connection to the Methow Valley.
Your interest and/or involvement in the Methow Conservancy’s mission and work.
Your current or previous occupation or relevant experience.