Community Program “Conservation Canines” with Julianne Ubigau

Community Program “Conservation Canines” with Julianne Ubigau

Sampson banff1 jaymi heimbach

We’re excited to welcome Julianne Ubigau and Sampson from the Conservation Canine Program at the University of Washington to the Barn! Since 1997, the Center for Conservation Biology (CCB) has developed novel, non-invasive ways to examine DNA, hormones and toxin levels in a variety of threatened and endangered animals by using rescue dogs.

By rescuing and training highly energetic dogs, the Center’s unique Conservation Canines (CK9) program assists wildlife researchers in learning about a diverse range of wildlife species that include insects, amphibians, carnivores and even whales. The CK9 program and the Center for Conservation Biology are driven by the goal to understand how environmental pressures impact wildlife and human health worldwide.

Julianne and Sampson have been a team for 10 years, tracking everything from the tiny Pacific pocket mouse to Jemez mountain Salamanders, and invasive plant called garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata).

If you love conservation, rescue dogs, or just feel-good stories you won’t want to miss this pretty amazing presentation!

And, if you want to head into the holidays with extra good karma points, check out the opportunities to volunteer at this fun event on Volunteer Methow. Photo at right by Jaymi Heimbach.

First published in December 2018

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