Methow Conservancy Invests in Homestream Park

Methow Conservancy Invests in Homestream Park

Homestream20 Park20 Volunteers2021

It’s amazing to drive by the emerging Homestream Park on the way into Winthrop from the south. So much volunteer labor and work has already gone into turning the horse corral into the vision Cathy and Phil Davis have for a beautiful public park that will celebrate salmon and the natural and native American history of the Valley. Thank you to all the volunteers!

We have been so inspired by the community support and generosity behind the park that we have created a Homestream Park Fund so that we can participate in the project as a partner. Support from our fund will help with things like building a walking trail, gathering space structures, benches and picnic tables. We think Homestream Park will be a great place to inspire people to want to care for the land and to think deeply about the history of the land and people who have called this Valley home.

If you’d like to be a part of the creation of Homestream Park by volunteering or donating to our Homestream Park Fund, contact Sarah at 509-996-2870 or email her. To keep up to date on the latest from the park, check out the Homestream Park website.

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Inspiring people to care for the land of the Methow Valley since 1996.

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