Leadership Circle 2024

Leadership Circle 2024

Thank you for attending our Leadership Circle Gathering and for helping us inspire people to care for the land.

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Impact Report

Our Impact Report gives you an overview of our recent land conservation projects, education programs, agriculture support initiatives, affordable housing efforts, and land justice work, as well as a centerfold spread on our work on the Sunny M Ranch.

Topics include:

  • Mill Hill: securing public access to trails near Twisp
  • Farms to Neighbors: our food equity collaboration with The Cove Food Bank
  • Agricultural support
  • Farm Tours and First Tuesdays
  • Public access to trails and open spaces
  • Schoolyard Science
  • Meadowlark Natural Area: a recreational gem right in Winthrop
  • "Care for the Land" Scholarship winners
  • Our work with Methow Descendants
  • A note from the Executive Director
  • ....and more!

Read it HERE.

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Learn With Us

Twice each month we send a newsletter to all who opt into our mailing list.

  • The Backyard Bulletin: a monthly publication highlighting the wild nearby with photos and stories from our shared backyard.
  • ENews: monthly updates on our work, our events calendar, a report on Sunny M Ranch, and news from the community.

Let us know if you aren't receiving these monthly emails.

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The Methow Conservancy's Secret Sauce

How does the Methow Conservancy have so much impact? It’s all in our Secret Sauce:

The Secret Sauce recipe:

  1. It’s all about relationships.
  2. It’s not always all about us.
  3. It’s about finding balance.
  4. It’s not always pretty or perfect.
  5. It is always worth it.

"One cannot be pessimistic about the West. This is the native home of hope. When it fully learns that cooperation, not rugged individualism, is the quality that most characterizes and preserves it, then it will have achieved itself and outlived its origins. Then it has a chance to create a society to match its scenery.”

Wallace Stegner, The Sound of Mountain Water

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Host Tom Campion welcomes guests.

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Board member Ashley Ahearn launches the program.

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Executive Director Sarah Brooks provides a recipe for the Methow Conservancy's secret sauce.

John Adams by Jason Paulsen

Methow Conservancy co-founder John Adams, who gave us our mission: to inspire people to care for the land of the Methow Valley.

By Jason Paulsen 3

Leadership Circle members learned the recipe for the secret sauce--and that they are a part of it.

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Everyone you see in this photo carpooled to the gathering--possibly the Methow Valley's largest-ever carpool effort!

Sonya and eliot by jason paulsen

Conservation movers and shakers Sonya Campion and Eliot Scull discuss instilling a conservation ethic in next generations.

Scott fitkin by jason paulsen

Wildlife biologist Scott Fitkin toasts on behalf of the Methow Valley critters who couldn't attend the gathering.

Jane by jason paulsen

Longtime Conservancy board member and big thinker Jane Gilbertsen closes the program with words of wisdom from John Adams and Wallace Stegner.

You help this community--both human and wild--THRIVE!

A black bear gets a drink on the Sunny M Ranch.

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Inspiring people to care for the land of the Methow Valley since 1996.

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